Sunday, August 30, 2009

Omega Goodness

Many of you who read this do not eat fish but I highly recommend taking fish oil supplements. The video posted today is the 4th video of Dr. Barry Sears speaking to the crossfit community and in this video he talks in detail about how fish oil really helps the body specifically by reducing/eliminating silent inflammation. The video talks about how studies have shown that anti-inflammation diets and using fish oil as an anti-inflammatory supplement have helped many illnesses/disorders like bi-polar disorder, MS, obesity, and ADHD. I hope you enjoy the video.

-Even if your a vegetarian try to talke fish oil supplements
-Omega 3 from fish oil contains EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) That cannot be found in other Omega 3 sources. EPA is an anti inflamitory agent.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

How to Zone In

I've talked a lot about the zone diet and about insulin/protein/fat intake but how do you get yourself in the zone? Here is a basic formula that Dr. Barry Sears gives:

Food is measured in Blocks:
1 "Block" of food=
9 grams of carbs
7 grams of protein
3 grams of monounsaturated fat

For Women, who do not exercise, 3 meals of 3 blocks is what's recommended. At each meal you'll eat 27 grams of carbs, 21 grams of protein, and 12 grams of fat.

For Men, who do not exercise, 3 meals of 4 blocks is what's recommended. At each meal you'll eat 36 grams of protein, 28 grams of protein, and 15 grams of fat.

Keep in mind a few things:
1) Protein has to be dense protein- meaning eggs, soy, or tofu are preferred, low fat cheeses are ok but not recommended.
2) Beans are carbs. Look at the nutritional information for any product. Which ever number is highest (fat, protein, carbs) that is what your body will think you are eating.
3) If there are two macro nutrients (carbs, protein, fat) that are very close or the same then that food counts as both.

-Eating in the zone is a science and not an art
-Try this out in your next 3 meals and see how you feel

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Silent Inflammation: What Does It Mean And How Does It Tie Into Vegetable Oil and Bread? Part III

I've talked repeatedly about the zone diet and eating a certain ratio of fat to protein to carbs in your diet. I've had some explanation but everything I've said has been from Dr. Barry Sears' books. The thrid of three videos I'm posting today are Dr. Barry Sears speaking to thecrossfit community about how diet ties into health, what is silent inflammation (classical inflammation is what happens when you get a cut when it hurts and swells), and how all this ties together with diabetes, obesity, arthritis, and a list of many other diseases.

The videos are less than 10 min each and are full of good information.

Thank you to Polo Lopez of crossfitcft for posting these videos.


-Next time you’re eating notice what you’re eating.

-Pay attention to the next meal you eat (especially if you are on an East Indian diet). How much vegetable oil and carbs are you eating?

Monday, August 24, 2009

Silent Inflammation: What Does It Mean And How Does It Tie Into Vegetable Oil and Bread? Part II

I've talked repeatedly about the zone diet and eating a certain ratio of fat to protein to carbs in your diet. I've had some explanation but everything I've said has been from Dr. Barry Searsbooks. The second of three videos I'm posting today are Dr. Barry Sears speaking to thecrossfit community about how diet ties into health, what is silent inflammation (classical inflammation is what happens when you get a cut when it hurts and swells), and how all this ties together with diabetes, obesity, arthritis, and a list of many other diseases.

The videos are less than 10 min each and are full of good information.

Thank you to Polo Lopez of crossfitcft for posting these videos.


-Next time you’re eating notice what you’re eating.

-Pay attention to the next meal you eat (especially if you are on an East Indian diet). How much vegetable oil and carbs are you eating?

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Silent Inflammation: What Does It Mean And How Does It Tie Into Vegetable Oil and Bread? Part I

I've talked repeatedly about the zone diet and eating a certain ratio of fat to protein to carbs in your diet. I've had some explanation but everything I've said has been from Dr. Barry Searsbooks. The first of three videos I'm posting today are Dr. Barry Sears speaking to the crossfitcommunity about how diet ties into health, what is silent inflammation (classical inflammation is what happens when you get a cut when it hurts and swells), and how all this ties together with diabetes, obesity, arthritis, and a list of many other diseases.

The videos are less than 10 min each and are full of good information.

Thank you to Polo Lopez of crossfitcft for posting these videos.


-Next time you’re eating notice what you’re eating.

-Pay attention to the next meal you eat (especially if you are on an East Indian diet). How much vegetable oil and carbs are you eating?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Balanced Recipe: Vegan Chili

Today's balanced recipe: Chili. Below are some recommended women's, and men's portion. I have a higher portion only because of the workout routine that I follow incorporates heavy weight lifting.


Women's Portion

Men's Portion

Ankit's Portion

Boca Patties or Soy

Ground Beef

1 1/4 Pattie ( 22 g


1 1/2 patties (28 g


2 Patties (36 g


Olive Oil

1 teaspoon

1 1/3 teaspoon

1 2/3 teaspoon

Stewed Tomatoes

Or Salsa

1 cup

1 1/3 cup

1 1/2 cup

Onion (any kind)

1/4 cup

1/4 cup

1/4 cup

Black Beans

1/4 cup

1/4 cup

1/4 cup


To taste

To taste

To taste


To Taste

To Taste

To Taste

Chili Powder

To Taste

To Taste

To Taste

Black Pepper

To Taste

To Taste

To Taste


1) Heat pot with oil on medium heat

2) Add garlic and onions to warmed oil

3) Add in tomatoes or salsa, black beans, chopped up Boca burgers or soy ground beef

4) Add in oregano, chili powder, and black pepper and mix well

5) Once its heated serve and enjoy J


-Great filling recipe

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Video Summary

I hope you got to watch the video posted on Friday. I wanted to just share some main points from the video but please watch it if you get a chance.

  • Excess insulin production leads to weight gain
  • Just because you eat less doesn’t mean you will lose weight. If you eat less food your body will automatically reduce its energy output. Most diets are "eat less- lose weight" formulas and the reality is that if you eat less you will burn less calories so it is a very difficult way to lose weight.
  • The research that shows excess insulin is the cause of weight gain came to light right before WWII by Germany and Austria. After WWII the research was largely ignored primarily because it was from Germany.

What does all this mean if you’re a vegetarian? WATCH YOUR CARBOHYDRATE INTAKE! Most vegetarians eat too many carbs and carbs have a direct impact on your insulin production.


-Watch the video if you can

-Next article: "Balanced recipe: Vegan Chili"

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Why We Get Fat

This is a great lecture by Gary Taubes an American science writer. The movie is 72 minutes long but well worth it!

-Great video on diet in general
-An interesting point in the video: Eating less doesn't work with weight loss, neither does exercising more.
-Here are some good quotes form the lecture:
"Insulin is the only hormone that tells your body to retain fat." - Gary Taubes
"Fat is mobilized [from fat tissue] when insulin secretion diminishes." -American Medical Association council on foods and nutrition 1974

Balanced Recipe: Omelet

Today's balanced recipe: Omelet. Below are some recommended women's, and men's portion. I have a higher portion only because of the workout routine that I follow incorporates heavy weight lifting.


Women's Portion

Men's Portion

Ankit's Portion


1 cup

1 cup

1 1/2 cup


2 tablespoons

2 tablespoons

2 tablespoons

Egg Whites or

Liquid egg whites

2 egg whites or

1/2 cup liquid egg

3 egg whites or

3/4 cup liquid egg

4 egg whites or

1 cup liquid egg

Bell Pepper

1 medium


1 medium


1 medium


Soysage Patty

1 patty

1 patty

1 patty

Olive oil

1/3 teaspoon

2/3 teaspoon

1 teaspoon




1 oz


To Taste

To Taste

To Taste


To Taste

To Taste

To Taste


1) Chop bell peppers and mix in with oil, salt, pepper, and eggs

2) Pour mixture on a non-stick pan on medium heat (note the women's portion may need to be scrambled because of the amount of bell peppers)

3) Sprinkle in cheese on top of the omelet

4) Heat the soysage patty in the microwave

5) Once everything is cooked place the guacamole with the grapes and enjoy.


-This is for the vegetarians who eat eggs

Monday, August 10, 2009

Why Eat a Certain Ratio?

I've talked before about you should eat enough dense proteins at your meals and every recipe labeled balanced recipe has a certain ratio of protein to carbohydrates. The above diagram is straight from Dr. Barry Sears book "A Week in the Zone" (I'm not paid to endorse this book) and I wanted to explain to you why it's important as vegetarians to get the right blend of dense protein and carbs.

The chart shows how your body reacts depending on the ratio of protein-to-carbs that you eat (remember carbs = insulin, protein = glucagon). For example if you eat 2x (or more) as many grams of carbs as you eat grams of protein you would be in the "High Carbohydrate Diet" section. If you eat just as many grams of protein (or more) than grams of carbs then you would be in the "High Protein Diet" section of the chart. Anything in between puts you in "The Zone."

Long story short, keeping your insulin under control by eating the right portion of DENSE PROTEINS to carbohydrates will keep your body burning fat instead of storing it and avoid you from going into ketosis. As vegetarians we usually have the problem of having too many carbs so just include some dense proteins like tofu, or soy into every meal and snack you eat.


-Eating the right ratio of protein to carbs puts your body in the correct hormonal state

-As vegetarians we have to be careful not to eat too many carbs or else our body will store fat.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Why Are You A Vegetarian? Our Stories

Today's picture isn't that closely related to today's post but I'm a big far side fan :). Why are you a vegetarian or why are you thinking about becoming a vegetarian? I've heard many reasons throughout my life:

  • Religion
  • Healthier lifestyle
  • Animal rights
  • I got food poisoning... NEVER AGAIN!
  • Animals are just so cute
  • I worked at a meat processing plant and I can’t eat meat anymore
  • It’s disgusting
  • Sustainability - meaning it takes more resources to produce meat than what we get from meat so people who are concerned with environmental issues go vegetarian for this reason

I'd like to share with you why I am vegetarian and I would love to see posts from everyone sharing their stories about vegetarianism. Many parts of my story I haven't shared before and I encourage you to comment if you have any comments to make :)

Before the age of 11 I used to eat meat every now and then. At a BBQ I would sneak in some grilled chicken, at school I would occasionally eat sausage pizza when they had it. I would eat meat but on sparse occasions and never ate it at home (my parents and brother were/are vegetarian)! Now we're a Hindu family and if you don't know Hindu's are typically some form of vegetarians. Most commonly they don't eat beef but will eat other meats but in our house NO meat was found.

At the age of 11 I remember being at the dinner table one night and during some silent mealtime I blurted out "I'M GOING TO STOP EATING MEAT!" Honestly I don't know why I said it but I decided since I said it I should try it. So basically I started becaue of religion.

The first 3 months were hard especially when I was around my favorite meat foods like sausage pizza or grilled chicken. My classmates didn't make it any easier on me either. One time they convinced me that tartar sauce had fish in this day I don't eat tartar sauce.

After the first 3 months things got easier as the cravings went away but I'd be lying if I said I haven’t eaten any meat since I was 11. One time some friends and I got Taco Bell drive through at night and we ate in the car. Now it was dark so I couldn't see if they had put beef in my nachos. Honestly I knew there was beef in the nachos after taking a bite but I pretended as if nothing was wrong and finished my meal because I was hungry!

Relapse moment 2 was a little different. One time I was on an international flight, the flight attendant gave me my meal and I was hungry. I didn't really recognize the food but I had requested a vegetarian meal and so I thought this must be vegetarian. I ate about half of my meal and man let me tell you it was fantastic! I hadn't had food that good in an airplane before. There I was in food Nirvana and my friend was sitting next to me, peaked over, and said "Dude that's chicken".... I thought to myself well damn there goes my food Nirvana! I talked to the flight attendant and they did confirm it was the wrong meal. I had gotten a kosher chicken meal. I was upset not because they gave me the wrong meal but because I was actually enjoying it and I couldn't finish it :)

There have been other times where I've accidently gotten meat in a dish but I've been able to catch it quickly. It's not easy being vegetarian but you know it does get easier with time. I've thought many times to quit just from the fact that eating correctly is very difficult and I'm guessing others feel the same at times. I think the main reason why I am still a vegetarian is the support group that I have. I have several friends who are vegetarian, my parents/brother are vegetarian, and lots of people I associate with are vegetarian. For those of you who are not as lucky, this blog is for you.


-I'd love to hear some of your stories in the comments section or the FaceBook Fan page (

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Balanced Recipe: Stir Fry

This isn't your typical stir fry, it's a much healthier version and it's very filling and tasty. I want to mention again that my portions are bigger because of my size and work out regimen.


Women's Portion

Men's Portion

Ankit's Portion


3/4 cup

1 cup

1 cup


3/4 cup

3/4 cup

1 1/2 cups

Broccoli florets

1 cups

2 cups

4 cups


1 cup

1 cup

1 cup


1-2 cloves

1-2 cloves

2 cloves


1/2 cups

3 cups

3 cups

Large Boca


1 1/4 patties (21 g


1 1/2 patties

(27 g protein)

2 patties (36 g


Extra Virgin

Olive Oil

1 teaspoon

1 1/3 teaspoon

1 2/3 teaspoon

Salt, Pepper,

Cyan Powder

To Taste

To Taste

To taste


1) Heat olive oil

2) Add garlic and sauté

3) Add any frozen vegetables you are using

4) Heat veggie burgers until ready to serve then chop it up and add to the mix

5) Add all other vegetables

6) Add the spices

7) Stir until the vegetables are cooked

8) Serve with the grapes on the side



-Being vegetarian can taste good

-Substitutions and changes are allowed but please make a comment on the board and I can suggest what portions to use.