Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Balanced Recipe: Vegan Chili

Today's balanced recipe: Chili. Below are some recommended women's, and men's portion. I have a higher portion only because of the workout routine that I follow incorporates heavy weight lifting.


Women's Portion

Men's Portion

Ankit's Portion

Boca Patties or Soy

Ground Beef

1 1/4 Pattie ( 22 g


1 1/2 patties (28 g


2 Patties (36 g


Olive Oil

1 teaspoon

1 1/3 teaspoon

1 2/3 teaspoon

Stewed Tomatoes

Or Salsa

1 cup

1 1/3 cup

1 1/2 cup

Onion (any kind)

1/4 cup

1/4 cup

1/4 cup

Black Beans

1/4 cup

1/4 cup

1/4 cup


To taste

To taste

To taste


To Taste

To Taste

To Taste

Chili Powder

To Taste

To Taste

To Taste

Black Pepper

To Taste

To Taste

To Taste


1) Heat pot with oil on medium heat

2) Add garlic and onions to warmed oil

3) Add in tomatoes or salsa, black beans, chopped up Boca burgers or soy ground beef

4) Add in oregano, chili powder, and black pepper and mix well

5) Once its heated serve and enjoy J


-Great filling recipe


The Monalisa said...

I hope you go to Costco to get your Boca patties! Jk, this sounds like a good recipe. I wish I had seen it before I went out to eat and had a black bean chili there! Thanks for posting this recipe!

Unknown said...

Of course I go to Costco :) It's a great way to save a buck :) I hope you like the meal :)